Clocks that combine beauty and remedy
Jerusalem24 – On today’s episode of Vibes, we have the Palestinian engineer and craft maker, Abed Fahham, who shared with us his handicraft journey on clock manufacturing. Fahham makes his clocks, professionally, out of olive wood and precious gem stones. In Fahham’s crafts, the Palestinian cause is hugely dominant. As his productions aim at spreading the Palestinian narrative and reviving its history and traditions to the whole world. The combination of the gem stones, tempered glass, and olive wood is perfectly made for a purpose; some are used as depression and stress-reliefers, some are as luck charms, and others as soul purifiers. Noting that each stone has its radiation and reflection on the human body. Yet, Fahham announced that he even customizes clocks according to people inquires and preferences.
Take a listen to the full interview to know more about Fahham’s handmade and unique clocks: