Diabetes Awareness Month with Dr Hany Rjoub

Jerusalem24 – The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has released new figures showing that 537 million adults are now living with diabetes worldwide, a rise of 16 percent (74 million) since the previous IDF estimates in 2019. These new findings highlight the alarming growth in the prevalence of diabetes around the world. The new figures are taken from the upcoming 10th Edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas, which will be published on December the 6th.
Diabetes is the most common chronic diseases in Palestine. This calls for a talk about the need to pay attention to the symptoms of diabetes, in this episode Dr Hany Rjoub specialist of internal medicine and endocrinology spoke to Mona Hijjawi in VIBES about the symptoms of diabetes, types and and when we should do the testing, he elaborated on the risk and the genetic factors that increase the chances of getting diabetes.
World Diabetes Day has come at a time when the Corona epidemic continues to sweep the world, hence we highlighted the impact of the pandemic on diabetic patients.
Many more in the interview in the link below: