Jerusalem24 – The interaction with the Anhar Al-Deek’s case brought the prisoner’s name back to the fore, and digital campaigns were launched calling for her release under the hashtag #Save_Israa_Jaabis.
The occupation authorities released the prisoner Anhar, who is pregnant in her ninth month, a few days ago, with a financial bail of 40,000 shekels (one dollar is equivalent to 3.2 shekels), and house arrest in her family’s home in the town of Kafr Nima near Ramallah.
Prisoner Israa Jaabis
Israa was studying in the second year at the Private College in the town of Beit Hanina, North of Jerusalem, majoring in special education. She is married and is a mother to one son, Mutasem.
On October 11, 2015, she was transporting her home’s belongings to her new residence from Jericho to Jerusalem. On that day, she was carrying a gas tube and a television se. When Israa arrived at Al-Zayem area near the settlement of Ma’alem Adumim, the car’s airbag next in the steering wheel exploded and caught fire inside the car.
Israa got out of the car and asked for help from the Israeli police, who were near the scene, but the policemen mobilized and did not give her an ambulance. They considered what happened to be an operation that targeted the soldiers.
At that time, Israa sustained severe burns to her body, 60% of which had been exposed. She lost many of her fingers and had deformities on the face and back.
The occupation police arrested Israa, and held trial sessions for her inside the hospital due to the difficulty of transferring her to court and to her critical health condition. She was charged with attempting to carry out an operation.
Israa was sentenced to 11 years in prison for attempting to kill an Israeli policeman, and to pay a fine of 20,000 shekels ($5.2 thousand US Dollars).
She is now in Damon prison facing very difficult health conditions. She needs 8 vital operations other than plastic surgeries, which the Israeli authorities have been procrastinating.
Jaabis also needs psychological treatment, as she says in a letter that was previously leaked from inside the prison, “I look at myself in the mirror, my soul is shattering day by day, I can’t do anything alone, and I don’t want to ask my fellow prisoners to help me because I feel humiliated and ashamed. In the end, I was told that I would not see my son Mutasem.”
It is worth noting that Israa holds the Jerusalem ID, and she and her fellow prisoners, who are 39, are subjected to grave violations.