The razing of large lands in the vicinity of “Tzofim” settlement, north of Qalqilya
Jerusalem24 – Yesterday, Saturday, the Israeli bulldozers razed large lands in the vicinity of “Tzofim” settlement, north of Qalqilya, at the expense of the lands of Jayyous town.
Local activist, Muhammad Abu Al-Sheikh, told the Palestinian daily newspaper, Al-Quds, “The occupation bulldozers continue to bulldoze agricultural lands to expand the settlement of Tzofim, which is expanding towards the east at the expense of the lands of the town of Jayyous, which is part of the apartheid wall, and which are owned by citizens within their private ownership. It is also planted with olive trees, in addition to cereal crops.”
Abu al-Sheikh added, “The occupation is exploiting the lands located behind the Gantry wall, to establish settlement projects and expand the borders of the settlements, after passing laws in the Knesset to control these lands. And Asla and Azzun.”
Abu al-Sheikh pointed out, “The occupation policy for the hills located in the Qalqilya governorate on the Palestinian coast, especially the Hasharon area, includes seizing them and not allowing the Palestinians to own them even if those hills are privately owned, and this is what the former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated in his book The famous (a place under the sun)”.
Abu al-Sheikh concluded, “The establishment of outposts does not take time, but is within hours. As for the Palestinian citizen, he is deprived of benefiting from his land, even if the established facility is an agricultural room or even planting trees according to the laws approved in the Knesset that empower settlers and the security establishment. control of all lands in the West Bank.