Israeli forces arrest 45 students visiting family of detained Palestinian
They were students at Birzeit University
Jerusalem24 – This evening, Wednesday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested Birzeit University students who were visiting the family of prisoner Montaser Al-Shalabi in the town of Turmusaya, north of Ramallah.
Local sources reported that the forces stopped the bus, which was carrying 45 male and female students, and forced them to get off the bus, handcuffed them, sat them on the ground, and checked their identities.
Later, the occupation forces arrested the male and female students, transported them by an Israeli bus to an unknown destination, and confiscated the two buses.
Muntaser Shalabi, who’s home was demolished by Israeli forces last week, is detained by Israel for an attack at the Za’atara checkpoint. The attack injured one Israeli settler and killed another. The families of the settlers are trying to prepare a lawsuit to take the properties of the Shalabi family.