Two brothers complete 28 years in Israeli prison
More than 4,500 Palestinian and Arab prisoners are in Israeli prisons

Jerusalem24 – The Palestinian Prisoner’s Club, yesterday Sunday, reported that two Palestinian political prisoners who are brothers in Israeli detention complete 28 years in a row behind Israeli prison bars.
Abdel-Jawad, 51, and Mohammad Shamasneh, 57, from the village of Qatanna in the West Bank, were arrested 28 years ago, and sentenced to a life in prison for their activities in the against the Israeli occupation.
For five years now, the two have been deprived of their right to family visitation of their mother, who is a sick old woman, and one of them, Abdel-Jawad, is also denied family visitation of his two sons by the Israeli authorities.
The Israeli authorities are still incarcerating more than 4,500 Palestinian and Arab prisoners.