Israeli occupation forces detain 14 Palestinians from various areas of the occupied territories
Israeli occupation forces today detained at least 14 Palestinians from different parts of the occupied territories, according to various sources.
Jerusalem24 – Israeli occupation forces today detained at least 14 Palestinians from different parts of the occupied territories, according to various sources.
Soldiers raided Kobar village, west of Ramallah city, and rounded up four Palestinians as they searched and ransacked a number of houses.
They also detained another Palestinian after breaking into and ransacking his house in Jalazon refugee camp, north of Ramallah.
In East Jerusalem, Israeli forces rounded up three Palestinians, including a father and his son, after storming their houses in Isawiyya neighborhood.
The sources confirmed a similar Israeli military raid in Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, where the soldiers detained four people and wreaked havoc inside several houses.
Soldiers conducted a similar raid in al-Eizariya town, east of Jerusalem city, where they ransacked two houses belonging to the Ajlouni family and tampered with their contents.
In Hebron district in the south of the West Bank, Israeli military raided Sair town, northeast of Hebron city, where soldiers detained a Palestinian man.
Meanwhile, Israeli troops raided Nazlet Zeid village, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, where they detained one person.
On Sunday evening, a former prisoner at a military checkpoint near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarm. The detainee was identified as a resident of Silat al-Harithiya village, northwest of Jenin city.