The Israeli forces arrests two young Jerusalemites
The Israeli occupation forces arrested two young men during their storming of the town of Al-Tur, east of occupied Jerusalem.

Jerusalem24 – On Monday morning, the Israeli occupation forces arrested two young men during their storming of the town of Al-Tur, east of occupied Jerusalem.
Local sources said that the occupation forces arrested the two young men, Mahdi Abu Al-Hawa, and Riyadh Karawai, after they raided their homes in the town of Al-Tur, and searched them.
On Sunday evening, the Israeli police released the director of the Women’s Center / Mount of Olives Club, Ikhlas Al-Sayyad and the young Malek Al-Maghribi, after they were arrested while preparing for a special “Mother’s Day” event.
The Wadi Hilweh Information Center reported that, on Sunday, the occupation forces, accompanied by the intelligence services, stormed the “Mount of Olives” stadium in Al-Tur, and prevented the “Mother’s Day Exhibition and Bazaar” that the women’s center called for.
The prohibition decision signed by the Minister of Internal Security in the Occupation Government, Amir Ohana, stated that the event is being held under a Palestinian national character with the support and financing of the Palestinian Authority, without a written or agreed-upon permission, according to the Law of Implementation of the Middle Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip – Defining Activities 1994- According to the decision.