More Palestinian homes under threat of demolition by Israel
After plans to demolish 100 homes in East Jerusalem, more Palestinian homes under threat of demolition by Israel.
Jerusalem24 – As plans loom for the demolition of an entire area that includes 100 houses in occupied East Jerusalem, at least eight more Palestinian-owned homes in the occupied city are facing an imminent threat of demolition by the Israeli municipality under the pretext of construction without a permit, today said different sources In Silwan neighborhood, two homeowners from the Abbasi family were informed by their lawyer that efforts to get a building permit for the building they constructed in 2016 to shelter their families have failed after the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem has refused to give them the necessary permit and therefore they have to empty their homes of the furniture and people in order to have them demolished, according to Khaled Abu Tayeh, member of the Committee for the Defense of Silwan Lands.
Seven people live in the two homes, including three children, he said, adding that the Israeli municipality also informed four other households in Silwan that they should empty their homes in preparation for their demolition under the pretext of construction without a permit.
The Israeli municipality also plans to demolish 100 homes in al-Bustan section of Silwan, which means displacing their 1550 Palestinian residents, more than 60 percent of them are children under the age of 18.
In Isawiyya, another East Jerusalem neighborhood, local sources said the Israeli municipality posted demolition orders on two Palestinian-owned houses in the neighborhood under the pretext of construction without a permit.
An editorial in the Israeli daily Haaretz today called on the Israeli mayor of West Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, to “stop the bulldozers” in occupied East Jerusalem.