Postponement of the appeal against the evacuation of 4 families in Sheikh Jarrah
Jewish parties claim ownership of the land on which the residents' properties are located.

Jerusalem24 – Today, Tuesday, the District Court postponed the appeal filed by 4 families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood against the Magistrate’s Court’s decision to evict them from their homes in favor of the settlers.
The families ‘lawyer, Sami Irsheed, explained that the court examined today the appeal submitted by the families of ” Al-Daoudi, Al-Dajani and Hammad ”regarding the decision to evict them from their homes, and the decision was delayed.
Jewish parties claim ownership of the land on which the residents’ properties are located in the “Karam al-Jaouni” neighborhood in Sheikh Jarrah, registered in 1972, and last September that the Magistrate’s Court issued eviction decisions against the aforementioned families.
There are 28 families living in Karm al-Jaouni who have lived in their homes since 1956, according to an agreement between the Jordanian government represented by the “Ministry of Construction and Development and the Relief and Works Agency for Refugees” to provide housing for 28 refugee families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Indeed, the Jordanian government provided the land, and the UNRWA donated The costs of constructing 28 houses in exchange for the families giving up the relief card in favor of the UNRWA, and one of the conditions of the contract was “to pay a symbolic fee, provided that the property will be delegated for housing after 3 years, but this did not happen. Then the 1967 war was resolved and the issue remained pending.”
Attorney Irsheed explained that the Israeli courts say that the law that governs the region is the law that was enacted after 1967, which provides for the restoration of “the Jewish property, and the denial of the Palestinian claim of his right.”
Israeli and foreign activists and residents of Sheikh Jarrah demonstrated in front of the District Court during the session.
It is noteworthy that, two weeks ago, the District Court rejected the appeal submitted by 4 families of “Iskafi, Al-Kurd, Al-Jaouni, and Al-Qasim” from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem regarding the decision to evict them from their homes, and it gave the families until the second of May to implement the eviction decisions.