Israeli forces arrest Palestinian youth, close Ras Karkar
Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters at the homes of citizens in the center of the village
Jerusalem24 – Israeli forces, Sunday evening, closed the two main entrances to the village of Ras Karkar, West of Ramallah, and arrested a young man.
The head of the village council, Radhi Abu Fakhida, told Wafa the official Palestinian news agency that the Israeli forces had set up two military checkpoints at the main entrances, preventing citizens’ vehicles from leaving, closed the village completely, and arrested a young man whose identity is yet to be known.
He added that the Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters at the homes of citizens in the center of the village, which led to the suffocation of a number of them.
Abu Fakhida indicated that the Israel has tightened its military measures in the vicinity of the village for several days and has erected military checkpoints from time to time.