Second wave of Covid-19 grips Europe
Several countries are facing an increased number of cases.

Jerusalem24 – A France Press census reported that the number of hospitalizations related to the emerging corona virus “Covid-19” reached a record in at least 14 European countries this week, with the start of the second wave of outbreaks. With the countries most affected being the Czech Republic, with 62 hospital cases per 100,000 people, followed by Romania with 57, Belgium with 51 and Poland with 39.
These figures are based on information provided by hospitals in 35 of the 52 European countries, including most of the member states of the European Union. In total, 135,000 people infected with the virus are being treated in hospitals in 35 European countries, compared to less than 100,000 a week ago.
The countries that recorded the largest increases were Serbia, where the number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients increased by 97 percent, Belgium by 81 percent, Austria 69 percent, and Italy 65 percent. The only country that has witnessed a decrease in the number of people under treatment is Montenegro, after an earlier increase.
According to statements by Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, England will enter another lockdown to face the increase of cases of Covid-19. Chief Medical Officer of England, Chris Whitty, said that the health service in England would have faced an unusual problem in December with the death of large numbers due to the Covid-19 disease if the new general isolation that was announced, was not imposed on Saturday. He said in a press conference: “I think that if we do not act now, the chances that the health service will have unusual problems in December will be very high.”
He continued, “Therefore, this measure tries to some extent to ensure that the health service will not face an impossible situation in December with the presence of large numbers of injured and large numbers of deaths.”