Simply Friends: a Love Letter Turned Into a Piece of Art.

Jerusalm24 — Sabreen Association for artistic development in occupied Jerusalem showcased the 1st edition of Bizer Batteekh or Watermelon Seeds, a project to support musical and visual production of five emerging Palestinians artists from occupied Jerusalem.
A dreamer, an ambitious and a very hard working young woman that always tries to do her best in order to achieve her dreams and goals, Amany Saleh shares with Jerusalem24 all about her new song and her journey through Bizzer Batteekh project.
“it’s kind of surreal,” Amany says “Part of me still can’t believe that I have a song that’s been produced and out.”
Writing is Amany’s way of expressing herself and her emotions which she feels “very deeply” and that started it all, “Simply friends” is Amany’s very first original song and video clip produced by Sabreen’s association and part of Bizzer Batteekh project.
“I’ve always been searching for a chance, for something to help me to begin, how to be a musician more into the world so people can know me”
“A Love Letter”
During the interview we could hear Amany’s smiles when she started talking about Simply Friends, “it was originally a love letter to a guy I liked” Amany says, she also added that she used to burn letters that she wrote for people she liked as a way to move on and so she wrote Simply friends but something inside her was telling her not to burn it and to keep it.
“I kept it in my drawer for a while and then I was looking at it and I was like maybe this can be a song” she said “I started working on it and a month later, Simply Friends was born.”
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Family and friends are the most Important supporters for everyone and Amany has it all, having her mom waking her up singing her song, her uncle and cousins watching the music video over and over as well as her friends who have been always with her throughout the time to support and encourage her; they are all very proud of her and she is “glad that they are”.
“The Right Path”
Amany pointed out the Importance of such projects and associations like Sabreen’s in the Palestinian community and how they offer the chance, knowledge and resources for emerging young artists to deliver their messages through their art “it’s like I was in a forest with fog all around me and no sign of a path” – “and when I met Sabreen [association] they helped me see the beginning of the path.” She added.
“Singer, Songwriter, Musician, And a Poet? What Else!!”
“I am a person that is open to everything,” Amany says, “I like to try and find out what I can do and what I can be better at.”
Finding out she can write poetry at Sixteen when she read one of her songs to her mom and her mom was like “that’s a good Poem” when it wasn’t supposed to be a poem but Amany says that whenever she read that song out loud it would “sound magical and it would rhyme” she explains.
“Poetry came as if it was always a part of me.” she adds.
In her opinion as a poet and song writer, these two types do differ from each other even though both song lyrics and poems are “literary feelings on papers”, Amany believes that song lyrics should “hit hard” but they don’t always have to rhyme because “music always brings magic to it.” She says. But, with poems Amany says that the rhyming and how the words collide with each other in each poem is what gives them magic.
“Keep on dreaming,” Amany Says, she also adds that in order to achieve your dreams “you have to work hard, because nothing comes out of nowhere; you have to work in order to get it.”
listen to the full interview on Vibes.