Palestinian Jerusalemites brace for another flag march

Jerusalem24 — This year’s so-called “flag march”, when Israeli settlers celebrate the anniversary of their occupation over the Eastern part of Jerusalem in 1967, has so far unfolded similarly to past marches, with provocations from Israeli settlers chanting racist slogans such as “death to Arabs” as well as Israeli police assaults of Palestinians and worshippers inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound or the walls of the Old City.
Just after midday Palestinian shopkeepers in the Old City started shuttering their doors, and Palestinian Jerusalemites are making themselves scarce on the street.
A new development this year is the Israeli government planning two new routes for the provocative “flag march”, departing from settlements surrounding the Old City and leading to the Muslim quarter.
Jerusalem24 correspondent Reema Mustafa anticipates this “might create a lot of tension.”
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