“Our Old, Our New”: Giving sustainable management a boost in Ramallah

Jerusalem24 – People in Ramallah might have already seen the big blue boxes in different locations across the city. The containers were set up by the Ramallah Municipality under the slogan “Our Old, Our New”.
Engineer Malvina Al-Jammal from Ramallah Municipality tells Jerusalem24 that the project includes two main components: the reuse of old clothes donated by people, and old furniture which may not be in use anymore.
The project aims to promote the sustainable management of such items which might otherwise end up as waste.
“The Ramallah Municipality was able to develop an agreement with an institution in the Jalazon refugee camp to collect clothes and furniture to be sold to other people who are in such need of the items,” Malvina says.
Among other places, the boxes can be found at The Ottoman Court in the old town, the Nations Park in Al-Masyoun, the school of Ein Munjid, the Future School in Al-Tireh, and in Al-Raddana park in Al-Masayef.
“Regarding the clothes, you can just drop them in the boxes, the Jalazon Institution collects them – but we ask people to drop clean clothes. Regarding the furniture, people can call the numbers we provided on the brochures and flyers on our Facebook page.”
Ramallah city generates 100 tons of waste on a daily basis, Malvina says.
“We cannot transfer all of his waste to far areas and landfills in the Jenin area. In accordance with global practices, we like to promote the recycling and reuse of waste chain.”
Listen to the full interview on Vibes.