Israel approves 816 settlement units in Jerusalem
Jerusalem24 – The Israeli authorities approved last week 816 settlement units on an area of 613 dunums, in addition to depositing two plans on an area of 106 dunams for the construction of 107 settlement units.
The approval comes two weeks after US President Biden’s visit to the region.
The decisions were issued by the Subcommittee on Settlement in the Israeli Civil Administration.
Khalil Tofakji, director of the Maps Department of the Arab Studies Society, tells 24FM, Jerusalem24‘s sister station, that the announcement last week concerns “new settlement plans as well as the legalization of a few “illegal” outposts.”
The Israeli Committee filed structural plan No. 2/1/2/226 for the settlement of Alamon, which is located on lands of the village of Anata on an area of 100 dunums, for the establishment of 91 settlement units, public institutions and commercial areas.
Structural plan No. 47/4/1/420 relates to the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim (on lands of the village of Al-Ezeriya) on an area of 6.2 dunums for the establishment of 16 settlement units.
Structural plan No. 4/2/225 details plans for the settlement of Ma’ale Makhmas, which is located on 150.6 dunums of land belonging to the village of Deir Dabwan, for the establishment of 114 settlement units. The project, announced on 24 July 2020, aims to transform the outpost of Neve Ariz into a permanent settlement.
Structural plan No. 2/2/205 concerning the settelment of Shilo (on the lands of the village of Jaloud) spans an area of 358 dunums for the establishment of 534 settlement units. The project was announced on 30 July 2021.
Structural plan No. 2/4/2/235 for the Talmon settlement (situated on the lands of the village of Ras Karkar) concerns an area of 104 dunams for the establishment of 168 settlement units. The project was announced on 5 August 2019.
Tofakji says, “Inside the West Bank more than 60% of the lands are now registered as State Lands according to our latest research.”
Israel uses declarations of public land (“state land”) in the West Bank as a tool for land-grab and a significant means to reinforce its settlement enterprise.
“Israel has used all available resources and tools in order to gain control of over 87% of Jerusalem after the division of 1967,” Tofakji continues. “52% is controlled as green lands, roads, and railroads.”
“[This leaves] Palestinians with 13% [of Jerusalem], where Israel has already started constructing outposts inside Palestinian neighborhoods in order to displace Palestinians living there. Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan are examples of this.”