A government of change for the worse
Jerusalem24 – When Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid created the current Israeli government, there was a lot of celebration within Israeli society.
While the current Israeli government coalition pledged to adhere to the status quo with regard to the occupation, a recently published Peace Now report states otherwise.
Peace Now’s report establishes that in everything to do with the creeping annexation of territories, structural violation of human rights of Palestinians, and the deepening of the apartheid regime, Israel’s government of change is actually more of the same.
“In Israeli Zionist circles this government was known as the government of change,” says Dana Mills, Executive Director of the Peace Now movement.
“This is not a government of change, this is a government of change to the worst.”
In this episode of Wake Up Palestine, Dana Mills, the Executive Director of Peace Now talks about the report and what it means.