Nutritionist Zaina Al-Barghouthi: A healthy gut means you have a stronger immune system, a better mood, effective digestion
“One size fits all” is not true when it comes to health, especially gut health, so she advises people to always check with a specialist and try to not rely on internet sources
Jeruaslem24 – Nutritionist Zaina Al-Barghouthi, talked with Jerusalem24 about Gut Health, confirming it’s one of the most important topics that need to be addressed in women and men in general.
Gut health affects our mental health, our bodies, and of course our lifestyle. many probably heard the term “gut health, having a healthy Gut means you have the right balance of tiny bacteria and other microbes in your digestive tract. Researchers are increasingly discovering ways these microorganisms contribute to overall health.
“A healthy gut means you have a stronger immune system, a better mood, effective digestion, and a healthy mentality” Zain adds.
Zaina recommends a better eating lifestyle in order to improve your own gut health, which would be including more fiber-rich and probiotic-packed foods, such as potatoes, carrots, spinach, and beets, in addition to fruits and veggies, whole grains are also very rich in fiber.
Fermented foods like yogurt and kombucha are also prized for their gut-boosting abilities, thanks to the presence of probiotics.
Considering supplements like probiotics is another way to help with your gut, but after consulting with your doctor or a specialist, “one size fits all” is not true when it comes to health, especially gut health, so she advises people to always check with a specialist and try to not rely on internet sources that many are not scientifically proven.
Exercise Often, movement is medicine for so many parts of the human body, including the microbiome. In both animal and human studies, researchers have found that exercise promotes an increase in the diversity of healthy bacteria in the gut.
For more details follow the link to the full interview!