House Demolitions and Evictions in Jerusalem 2021
970 people and 424 children are threatened with displacement

Jerusalem24 – According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt), 152 Palestinian structures have been demolished displacing 247 people in Jerusalem.
In this episode of Wake Up Palestine, Mohammad Hamayel speaks with Sarah Muscroft, the head of the OCHA further discussing the situation of house demolitions and more.
According to Muscroft, OCHA conducted a mapping exercise in 2020 and found that 218 Palestinian households with eviction cases against them
These cases are pressed by settler organizations funded by American donors threaten 970 people and 424 children with displacement.
Even during the peak days of the pandemic Israel’s demolition policy didn’t slow down.
Muscroft says “unlawful demolitions in the West Bank actually spiked during Covid in April, May and June of 2020.” between march and august of 2020, there were 442 Palestinians left homeless.
Listen to the full episode here.